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SAT & ACT Testing

SAT Testing

For Saturday tests, register at .

Fee: $60.

Test Dates: please  click here .

Test Information: 

  • Two sections: Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (EBRW) and Math
  • EBRW: 54 questions in two 32 minute modules, Math: 44 questions in two 35 minute modules)
  • SAT is now digital (as of spring 2024)
  • Calculators are imbedded in exam app, but students are still allowed to bring in an approved calculator

​Khan Academy

Create an account at

Khan Academy has partnered with CollegeBoard to allow students to receive a personalized approach as to how to study for the SAT. Students are able to upload previous PSAT and SAT scores into their account for a study plan that fits their goals!

ACT Testing

Register at .

Fee:  ACT (No Writing)- $68 and ACT with Writing-$93

        (College-bound students: Take writing at least once!)

Test Dates: please click  here

Test Information: 

  • 4 Sections: English (45 minutes, 75 questions), Math (60 minutes, 60 questions), Reading (35 minutes, 40 questions), and Science (35 minutes, 40 questions)
  • Total exam duration: 2 hours, 55 minutes
  • Optional Writing Section: 1 prompt, 40 minutes to complete
  • Score range: Each section is scored 1-36 and then the four sections are averaged together to get a composite score (1-36) and it’s the composite score that is reported to colleges

March 2 Success

Create an account at

March2Success provides an online study program to help students prepare for standardized tests, improve school work and review materials. They also provide tools for educators and parents to track and encourage their students.

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NCAA Eligibility Center
SAT & ACT Testing
2023 Matriculation by College (pdf)