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Diplomas of Distinction

Students who take additional core courses other than required for graduation will be acknowledged. Students will earn a Diploma of Distinction if they take an additional four courses within one core subject area, other than the courses used towards standard graduation credit. The four subject areas in which a student may apply for a Diploma of Distinction are: English, Mathematics, History, and Technology. For example, a student can take three core science courses at McDevitt and an additional four science-related courses internally at McDevitt or externally through Virtual High School (VHS) and/or as a Dual Enrollment student at a local college or university. The additional four courses must be earned after sophomore year. Students may begin taking courses the summer before the start of their junior year. Students interested in earning this academic  achievement should inform their counselor during sophomore year of their intention, as well as the Assistant Principal of Academics during course registration periods. Any Dual Enrollment courses that are taken at colleges and universities will be added to the student’s transcript for college admissions to acknowledge.

Seniors may apply for the Diploma of Distinction in the Counseling Center.

Note: VHS has a partnership with Bishop McDevitt for students to take online classes throughout the school day, to enhance the diversity of courses offered to a student. Dual Enrollment is a process in which high school  students apply to a local college or university to take courses at that institution externally. Students will not be excused to attend these classes during the Bishop McDevitt school day hours and should look for courses offered at these institutions during evening, weekend, or summer hours.

Counseling Department
Career Exploration
College Admissions Agreements
College Financial Aid & Scholarships
Diplomas of Distinction
NCAA Eligibility Center
SAT & ACT Testing
2023 Matriculation by College (pdf)