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Mrs. Lois Knapp  - Department Chair
Mr. Michael DiMarco ’00
Ms. Nichole Menezes
Mr. Brad Sizemore
Mrs. Kristianne Thomas  - Camus Minstry
Mr. Russell Warfield  - Campus Ministry

​The Religion curriculum of Bishop McDevitt High School focuses on the five major content areas of Doctrine, Sacred Scripture, Morality, Church History and Vocation. The curriculum for each course is set by the Diocese of Harrisburg and can be found on the diocesan website: .

​Each course presents a comprehensive overview of its subject matter with the intent of helping every student achieve their best academic grade as well as challenging them to build a strong foundation of faith by daily living as joyful witnesses of that faith.

The religion department faculty strives to attain these goals by:

  • providing students with an engaging, orthodox presentation of material
  • expanding the students’ experience of their faith life through the celebration of school liturgies, retreats, Eucharistic adoration and private prayer
  • developing opportunities for the students to live and deepen their faith through service projects and school organizations such as Contra Mundum and Talitha Koum.


Mrs. Aubrey Lee  - Department Chair
Ms. Sarah Brashear  
Mr. Joseph Manduke
Mr. Alexander Sicree
Mr. Jesse Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth Tupper  

​The study of English is an interdisciplinary subject that cultivates our student’s ability to communicate cohesively in our world. Writing, reading and language form the basis of our curriculum from which various levels of study are formulated. British, American and World Literature, covering antiquity to the present day, are the vehicles used to instruct students to think critically concerning the human condition. As a department we strive to incorporate formal and personal modes of writing such as the explication de texte, research papers, Scholastic Writing and essays. Our courses build on literary genres incorporating diverse forms of assessment. Speeches, performance, projects and group assignments articulate and enhance literary study.

For students wishing to further their love of writing, we offer an elective Composition and Writing Class. The MLA method of citation is utilized throughout the department, recommending A Pocket Style Manual, Sixth Edition as the chief source of reference

Social Studies

Mr. Eric Mark  - Department Chair
Ms. Jennifer Knechtmann
Mr. Jim Mercurio '04
Mr. Sam Nogin
Mr. Jake Perloski '17
Mr. Chance Powell
Sister Carol Schuyler, SCC

The Social Studies department offers a wide variety of courses to students in grades 9-12. Freshmen can select from either Humanities I or World Cultures, sophomores can choose from Humanities II, British Studies, and Modern World Studies, and juniors and seniors are required to enroll in American history. Elective courses in Psychology and Sociology are also available.​

Not only are classes designed to have students build strong content understanding, but many classes are intended to emphasize critical thinking, chronological reasoning, patterns, comparisons, interpretations, and argumentation.

Business & Technology 

Mr. Brandon Garlitz
Mrs. Erin Robell
Mr. Josh Stegall '11

The purpose of the Business & Technology Department is to educate our future business leaders. Our program provides students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to employment. Today’s highly competitive business environment is dependent on employees who have mastered and can effectively manage technology so organizations can survive and prosper. Our program prepares students to be prepared to compete in dynamic professional environments and promotes academic, social, and economic development.

Students can choose from electives that will prepare them to:

  • enter college for a business degree (3 years of Accounting, Business Law, Economics, and Marketing/Management).
  • enter college for a computer science degree (Visual Basic, C++, and Java).
  • enter college for a multimedia design and development degree (2 years of Graphics Design and HTML).
  • enter the workforce with advanced technological knowledge.

These leadership, business, and technological skills will contribute to the success of our students both at Bishop McDevitt and in their future endeavors.​


Sister Tracey Uphoff, IHM, Department Chair
Mrs. Sarah Garlitz
Mr. Eric Morrison 
Mrs. Sharon Pastor
Mrs. Monika Peterak  
Mr. Shawn Stipe
Ms. Tara Strackhouse '20

The study of mathematics plays a foundational role in almost all aspects of education. From this understanding, the Math Department at Bishop McDevitt High School is focused on providing a solid foundation in the study of mathematics that will equip our students and graduates with the necessary tools to flourish in their studies and in the workplace. The Math Department currently offers Algebra I and II, Geometry, Statistics, Trigonometry/Analytic Geometry, Pre-Calculus and Calculus.



Mrs. Michelle Corrigan ’82 - Department Chair
Ms. Karen Russo
Mrs. Kristine Safford
Dr. Andrew Sicree
Mrs. LeeAnn Wolfe

​To study science is to study the mysteries and phenomena of the natural world.  To facilitate this, we employ the scientific method, which teaches us to make observations, formulate questions about our observations, devise a way of testing our questions, and propose answers to our questions.

At Bishop McDevitt High School, our science faculty teach best practice courses, meaning a variety of sound methods are used to ensure students master essential concepts and ideas.  In addition, our courses are taught using rigorous mathematical principles, which serve as the language of science.  Finally, laboratory components provide students the opportunity to experience real science, which in turn furnishes students with the tools and knowledge necessary to compete in, and to excel in, college science courses.By centering our curriculum about the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as offering challenging elective courses, we instill in our students an appreciation for the process of all branches of science. 


Mrs. Cheryl Reider  - Department Chair
Mrs. Heather Amundson
Ms. Tia Barndt
Mr. Michael DiMarco ’00  
Mrs. Denise Irizarry
Mrs. Jill Tenny

To help round out a student’s education, it is important to study the languages and diversity of different cultures around the world. It is the Language Department’s mission to provide each student with exposure to not only the semantics of a particular language, but also the rich history that accompanies each of the languages we teach. The Department currently offers studies in French, Spanish, and Latin.


Ms. Kristin Radle

​Visual art courses offer students many avenues of self-expression.  The Art I Studio Class is a combined lecture and studio experience that challenges students to use their creative side.  In this class students will experience basic drawing techniques, color theory and its application, 2-D design, cartooning and drawing in perspective.  Art II classes offer the students crafts, painting in acrylic and watercolor, and intermediate design.  In Art III, students work more independently with advance painting and sculpture techniques. This studio class allows more freedom in enhancing and evaluating artistic development.  Art IV and V studios are enlargements of previously learned studio activities and in addition to exploring new aesthetic horizons these studio classes also give the student time to develop art school portfolios or specialize in their own areas of artistic interest.


Mr. Chad Reed  - Fine Arts Chair, Vocal Music

Mrs. Susan Crane  - Band, Elementary Instrumenatl Music
Mr. Nathaniel Miscannon ’08 - Elementary Instrumental Music​

Music Department Website

Music is an integral part of the culture at Bishop McDevitt High School.  We firmly believe in utilizing the talents that God gave us as a means to bring joy to others.  We strive to provide quality music instruction that will encourage students to share their talents throughout their lives.  Instruction is given in instrumental and vocal music with opportunities to further explore this subject in music theory and history. Students will have the skills to contribute to music making in the college setting following their instruction at Bishop McDevitt.

Physical Education / Wellness

Mr. Jeff Weachter  - Department Chair
Mrs. BethAnn Baker
Mr. Danny Lansanah

The Physical Education / Wellness Department is focused on providing for the body the same nourishment and exercise that the mind and soul also need. Courses in this department will focus on the total health of each student through exercise and activities as well as study regarding good habits that will promote a healthy lifestyle.


Instructional Support 

Ms. Anna Nissley
Ms. Stacy Emberger

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