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Academic Support Services

Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Harrisburg seek to serve as broad a range of students as possible. This includes students who have documented special educational needs and may require some measure of additional instructional support. In determining whether a school is able to meet the needs of prospective students, it is necessary to review all academic records, including psychological educational testing reports. Schools must be able to balance the requirements of a student with documented special needs against the resources available to the school and the student.​

Instructional Support

While involved with Instructional Support, during study hall periods, students receive special attention and assistance in subject areas with which they are struggling.  They will receive help on note-taking skills, test-taking techniques, assistance with assignments and homework.  The student is expected to meet the same academic standards as all students at McDevitt.  The support is designed as a collaboration between students, teachers and parents with classroom success as the goal.

​Reading Support

A reading specialist from the Capital Area Intermediate Unit, Aide to Non-Public Schools, provides remedial reading intervention to qualifying students.  The student will benefit from reading comprehension, vocabulary development and writing strategies.  This intervention is designed to promote independent learners prepared for college and career expectations.

Academics Home
2025 - 2026 Course Selection Book (pdf)
Parent Override Form 2025-26 (pdf)
Academic Requirements
Academic Support Services
Course Selection Presentation 25-26 (pdf)
Summer Reading Assignments (pdf)
The Karam Library
Virtual High School