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Principal's Corner

Dear alumni, parents, and friends,

24 Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win.  25  Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one.  26  Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing.  27  No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified”--  1 Corinthians 9: 24-27

I am humbled and proud to greet all fellow alumni, parents, and friends for my fifth year as the Principal of Bishop McDevitt High School.  As 1 Corinthians tells us, each of us is called to run the race.  The race to be good men and women in Christ.   When Paul tells us to “run as to win”, he calls us to be disciplined to live a Christian life.  These are the foundations of our Catholic education. I want our students to receive a Catholic education, enjoy, and to “experience” what it means to be a Bishop McDevitt Crusader.  The experience of being a Bishop McDevitt Crusader is what makes us champions.  While our school has not been immune to the trials and tribulations the educational sector has experienced post-Covid, our students have rebounded in true Crusader fashion and reignited the championship flame that has been a legacy of the Bishop McDevitt community for decades.  This past school year, our students illustrated the championship history of this institution as their achievements reached the highest levels in athletics, academics, and the arts.  Amazingly, each decade of Crusaders has something to be proud of that has contributed to the legacy of Bishop McDevitt High School.  But at the forefront today are the students we currently serve and prepare for the future.  A future that so many of our Alumni have experienced through the educational opportunities McDevitt has exposed them to decade after decade. We celebrate the accomplishments of our student-athletes, our musicians, and our academic all-stars, but primarily, we celebrate every student, alumni, parent, and friend who comes to embrace the Catholic education that is Bishop McDevitt High School.  As the Principal, it is my extreme pleasure to continue building a culture of high expectations and achievements at Bishop McDevitt.  To end this school year and embrace the next, I draw the attention of our community to the foundational pillars of faith, family, excellence, and tradition.  

Faith  is the cornerstone of our school community. Through faith, we find strength, hope, and guidance.

Family , both biological and those we encounter through the Bishop McDevitt community, should never be taken for granted. We are a family consisting of a community of staff members, teachers, coaches, parents, alumni, and friends who walk beside us. Family is the foundation of our lives and who we are.

Excellence  is a never-ending pursuit for our institution.  Excellence is only achieved through the challenges of reaching for the highest academic, personal, and moral standards.

Tradition  is the thread that weaves generations of Bishop McDevitt Alumni together. Bishop McDevitt’s traditions are rich with a history that connects us to those who have come before.  I call on our community to continue to immerse yourselves in this tradition, learning and sharing in our faith with those who have shaped Bishop McDevitt High School. 

It is through these pillars that “those who stay will be champions.”  Stay engaged and connected Crusaders.  I look forward to another exciting year with you all!

In Faith and Service,

Vincent Harper ‘92


Bishop Philip R. McDevitt
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